Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gold, silver and copper dragees in California

They're nonexistant here in this great state of California.

Aren't they so pretty? They're edible too, you know. But you can't find them here!

I recently went cake decorating supply shopping at a little shop that specializes in cake decorating supplies and I went in there looking specifically for gold dragees (pronounced drah-jays) for my gumpaste flowers. They had "gold" but it looked pearlized but I bought them anyway. You can see them on my Samba blog. I put them on the flowers I made for those cupcakes.

So I go online and shopping for them and every website that I come across boldley states that they do not ship to California. All of them , so I do my research and it turns out they are BANNED in California. Where was I when this happened???

I guess some idiot sued the hell out of everyone who used these and the suees ended up just settling with him because it would have cost them more money to defend themselves. This person believed that because the dragees were coated with real silver and gold, consuming them would cause a person to be poisoned by the toxins caused by silver. The problem with this is that there is no recorded incident where this has happened. Yeah, they may chip some teeth but no silver poisoning.

I believe this moron did it for the money. He ruined Christmas and cookies for every Californian! Oh, but I can eat edible gold leafs? Everywhere else in the world besides California can adore these pearls on their cakes, cupcakes, cookies and whatnot but we can't because of the "possibility" of dying from silver.

Tell me, who eats silver and gold in their regular diet? When I travel out of this state I'm buying suitcases of them. What an A-hole, huh?

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